Saturday, August 14, 2010

Professional Village Yenta And Bigot/Homophobe Really Sorry If She Did Anything To Affect Her Revenue Stream

Dr. Laura apologizes for saying N-word on the air

Stated Ms. Laura, who is a doctor in the same way any neighborhood busybody and know-it-all is a doctor, "Anyone who thinks AM radio listeners are anything but total knobs are most likely total knobs who listen to AM radio and can barely operate a door handle.  That being said, I'm really, really, really, really, really super-sorry and I'll never never never do it again.  I'm not full of hate, I just sound like I am. There is a difference. Thank you and I'm really sorry, especially to the makers of Bayer Aspirin and Pampers."

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Pax Romano said...

I heard this broadcast on Michelangelo Signorile's radio program yesterday; frankly, I'd forgotten that this woman even existed. After all was said and done, I believe that she did all of this for one reason only, attention. Seriously, I'll bet this was all a set up, the caller was in coo-hots with Laura (come on, what seemingly intelligent human would call this rube for any kind of sage advice). L.S. needed to get her name back in the news, and this did the trick. End of story.

Anonymous said...

Pax, I bet you're absolutely right. I hadn't thought of her trying this angle, but they all seem to get the most attention when it's negative attention or something controversial. I couldn't tell whether the caller even got her concern out and whether the response from "Dr." Laura was relevant at all. Or maybe they wait for an unknowing caller with something vaguely resembling a segue to what she has prepared to rant about and then she runs with it.

(Note to self: boycott Bayer Aspirin and Pampers.)

(Jackie @ Facebook)

deadrodentyping said...

Well, whatever works, I suppose. (Hey, she actually netted 2 comments on my blog...that must be like a record of some sort.)

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