Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hippies Did It (Again)

"And then Mr. Bush
grabbed me right here
and chuckled."

Prior to 1959, everything was going swell.  Then came the hippies.  Where did they come from? We can't be sure.  (Although documentary evidence indicates that alien seed pods from outer space was the most likely culprit.)

What we can be sure of is this: Hippies did it.

For when they came they brought with them all sorts of rules, laws, and regulations that made life complicated.  No one wanted these so-called "rules", but somehow we were fooled into thinking we needed them.

For example: In 1959, a doctor could show up for surgery after a night of whiskey sodas and cavorting with whores, sever an artery, kill his patient, and the family would still thank him for it.

However, in our present moral decline and general abdication of personal responsibility, the family could file a lawsuit.  In fact, the doctor could go to prison--even if the patient was a black man  Surely something has gone wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong.

Maybe when we have the courage to pay teachers to beat students, return doctors to their former demi-god status, allow municipalities be run like fiefdoms, and let toxic waste be dumped whereever--maybe then, we'll see some responsibility.

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deadrodentyping said...


deadrodentyping said...


Jerry said...

It ain't easy being David Brooks, but as long as never peers into the bile and pus filled chasm that is the "comment" section underneath each article he writes for the New York Times, he gets by.

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